maandag, maart 30

Two years ago, the rollicking tribute album On the Jimmy Reed Highway pointed the storied career of singer/guitarist Omar Kent Dykes in a new direction.

That record, cut in Austin and one of the most popular blues releases of 2007, united Dykes with guitar master Jimmie Vaughan and a cadre of talented Reed devotees. Together, they celebrated the music of an acknowledged post-war blues hero.

For his new Big Town Playboy, Dykes summoned many of the same Austin session players (including Vaughan, guitarist/producer Derek O'Brien and singer Lou Ann Barton) and teamed them with a pair of bona fide blues harp legends, Lazy Lester and James Cotton, on a half-dozen tracks. The all-star lineup delivers another shuffling, satisfying selection of classic American blues.

Met andere woorden : leuk !
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Plaatje is speler.
Maak kennis met de grootste helicopter ooit gebouwd, gebaseerd op de Russische Mil Mi-12 waarvan ooit twee prototypes gemaakt zijn. De Hotelicopter is een revolutionaire ontwikkeling binnen de luchtvaartgeschiedenis en binnenkort is het mogelijk om mee te vliegen.

De eerste vlucht staat op 26 juni a.s. gepland. Bij facebook of twitter kun je de ontwikkelingen volgen en word je geïnformeerd over toekomstige reserveringen. Het vliegende hotel bevat 18 luxueus ingerichte kamers met o.m. een koninklijk bed, een mini-bar, koffiemachine, draadloos internet en alle andere zaken (zoals roomservice) die je van een vijfsterren hotel mag verwachten. Er is voorlopig keuze uit twee arrangementen, ook in Europa maar de Hotelicopter doet Nederland niet aan.

maandag, maart 23

Elke vrijdag is er op Radio 2 een legendarisch concert van een grote popartiest te horen. De opnames komen uit de archieven van de KRO, die sinds de jaren zeventig vele honderden popconcerten heeft opgenomen. Toch wel een heleleuke site om even te kijken of er iets voor je bij zit. Zo ook een compleet (Met Bon Scott) ACDC optreden. Veel plezier !

vrijdag, maart 20

A psychedelic experience is characterized by the perception of aspects of one's mind previously unknown, or by the creative exuberance of the mind liberated from its ostensibly ordinary fetters. Psychedelic states are an array of experiences elicited by sensory deprivation as well as by psychedelic substances. Such experiences include hallucinations, changes of perception, synesthesia, altered states of awareness, mystical states, and occasionally states resembling
Although I was born and raised in the United States, there is no doubt that my sculpture has been significantly influenced by my trips to Europe. In fact, having been trained as a painter, I may not have started sculpting had it not been for the semester I spent in Rome in 1987—or at the very least, it may have taken me longer to realize that I prefer three dimensions over two. While there, I was especially impressed by traditional marble sculpture, particularly, the work done by three classical giants: Michelangelo, Dontatello and Bernini.

But never once did I entertain the (currently popular) idea that their work is superficial, trivial, or even trite, primarily because it has been so popular, particularly with the masses. So, quite content with the vulgar appeal of representational sculpture, I returned to the U.S. and began working in wood, which was the only medium available to me; I made “George” at this time.

But in the back of my mind, I was certain that I would eventually work in some kind of stone. However, over the next few years, I grew attached to the warmth and unpredictability of the wood. I was hooked.
Photo: A young Iraqi boy grieves for relatives killed by a car bomb as their bodies are taken away to be buried in the Shiite holy city of Najaf, 160 kilometers (100 miles) south of Baghdad, Iraq Wednesday, July 18, 2007. The attack in Baghdad on Monday followed the release of a man who was kidnapped on Sunday night, police said. The man drove home and parked his car, which exploded and killed his daughters, 18 and 21, and injured his 11-year-old son. (AP Photo/Alaa al-Marjani)
Nature transformed through industry is a predominant theme in my work. I set course to intersect with a contemporary view of the great ages of man; from stone, to minerals, oil, transportation, silicon, and so on. To make these ideas visible I search for subjects that are rich in detail and scale yet open in their meaning. Recycling yards, mine tailings, quarries and refineries are all places that are outside of our normal experience, yet we partake of their output on a daily basis.

These images are meant as metaphors to the dilemma of our modern existence; they search for a dialogue between attraction and repulsion, seduction and fear. We are drawn by desire - a chance at good living, yet we are consciously or unconsciously aware that the world is suffering for our success. Our dependence on nature to provide the materials for our consumption and our concern for the health of our planet sets us into an uneasy contradiction. For me, these images function as reflecting pools of our times.