zondag, juli 3


You are invited to anonymously contribute your secrets to PostSecret. Each secret can be a regret, hope, funny experience, unseen kindness, fantasy, belief, fear, betrayal, erotic desire, feeling, confession, or childhood humiliation. Reveal anything - as long as it is true and you have never shared it with anyone before. Create your own 4-by-6-inch postcards out of any mailable material. But please only put one secret on a card. If you want to share two or more secrets, use multiple postcards. (Please do not email your secret.) Please put your complete secret and image on one side of the postcard. Be brief - the fewer words used the better. Be legible - use big, clear and bold lettering. Be creative - let the postcard be your canvas.

On Monday night a boy jumped out of his dorm room window on the 8th floor of a dorm at my school. No one knows why he did it, one of my very closest friends was good friends with him and he didn't really see it coming. I wish Morgan had known about this site because I think maybe he would have realized that there are a lot of people who don't feel like they fit in anywhere, and some people believe that's why he decided to end it. Seeing some of these secrets is really shocking and heart breaking but in the end it just draws everyone closer together as a people. And who knows, someone's secret might reach out and save someone's life."

i am a psychotherapist. while doing paperwork after a long, long day i heard the story about the website on npr. i checked it out right away...a good distraction, i thought. these secrets are the kinds of things i hear all day long. shame, guilt, guilty pleasures, simple pleasures, pride, fears. the images are so powerful, the notion of giving away your secrets to the world, a release. can i refer my clients to this?"