donderdag, april 13

I can read your mind. Right now, you're listing all the ways you know that Bush has fucked up and are getting ready to fire off some hate mail. Your list probably has three failed companies, failed foreign policy, failed economic policy, disastrous environmental policy, "bring 'em on", and more. But you're wrong. Bush is indeed guilty of all of that, but he is no fuck-up. Let's take the failed oil companies. You're probably thinking that it takes a real fuck-up to start an oil company in Texas that fails to find any oil. But you're not thinking like a Bush. Bush's failed company allowed him to milk millions from investors and walk away with it in his pocket. A real fuck-up would have been as broke as his investors, or would have walked away with millions only to find himself put in prison for fraud. Bush achieved his objective: to get rich at the expense of others.