woensdag, mei 10

If nothing else, these pages will show the reader the following: - Although he does not recall when asked, George (Herbert Walker) Bush was in Dallas the day JFK was assassinated. - Bush lies about the fact that he was a high-ranking CIA official at the time of JFK's death. - Bush allowed the escape of a convicted terrorist from prison to go to work for him as an undercover CIA asset in Iran-Contra. - Bush has released another convicted terrorist. - Both these terrorists were present on Dealey Plaza on 11/22/1963. - Both these terrorists were convicted for killing 73 people by blowing up an airliner. - Bush is personal friends with a close associate of these convicted terrorists, who was also a participant in Iran Contra. - Bush has taken a leading role as CIA official in structuring/organizing these terrorists in effective organizations. Shall we say: "Only in America, the land of unlimited opportunities"?