donderdag, oktober 12

1975. Born in Szekszárd, Hungary1995-97. Window-dresser School in Budapest, Hungary1997-99. Handicraft and Service Trade School in Budapest, Hungary, enamel department2002. Member of the Young Craftsmen's Association (FISE) Exhibitions: 1998, 2000. Originart Gallery, Budapest, Hungary1999. Ericsson Gallery (grouped), Budapest, Hungary2001. International School-book Publishing, Budapest, Hungary2003. FIERRA, Milano, Italy2003. FISE group exhibition, Berlin, Germany2003. Antenna Hungária, Budapest, Hungary2004. KÖSZI, Budapest, Hungary2004. Yaky Gallery, Budapest, Hungary2005. Erzsébetváros Communal House, Budapest, Hungary2005. World of the Tales Trought the Craftsmen's Eyes, Museum of Arts and Crafts (grouped), Budapest, Hungary2005. POSZT, Pécs, Hungary2006. Szép-Míves Gallery, Pécs, Hungary