maandag, december 4

Jens Görlich is a commercial photographer from Germany. I personally like his "CA/FL" portfolio much better than his commercial work.

I can still recall the impression I had when I visited California for the first time:
It seemed to me that up until that moment I had expected to come to the Garden of Eden, which had been somehow promised by glamorous pictures created in Hollywood. Wandering around the "set", I could see "the whole", "the big picture". I had the opportunity to look to the left and right of filmsettings and advertising-locations where I found something aside from eternal sunshine, picture-perfect nature, and young, happy, healthy people; I had finally been able to capture moments revealing the truth.

In the following years, many voyages took me through the warm and sunny regions of California and Florida, mostly "location-scouting" for European advertising campaigns. Being a European myself, I became more and more fascinated with the ambiguity of the land that I was travelling in. The freedom I found was often paid for with great loneliness, high-tech appeared in the middle of nowhere, melancholic scenes took place where I expected happiness and "slow-motion" drama where I was prepared for "high speed" action. My fascination for these these moments has steadily grown and I hope that I can continue with my series "CA/FL". Also I hope that some of what I tried to express here verbally will become visible to you in the photographs....