No doubt that I’m the slowest motorcycle traveler in the world. It’s not the bike that slows me down. The idea was to roar the Guzzi in one year from top (Prudhoe Bay, Alaska) to bottom (Ushuaia, Argentina) just to show that a seventies Guzzi can do the same as modern endurance bikes. And guess what, the Guzzi performs even better than expected. Other reason to saddle the bike was that I was a slight overworked freelance journalist back home in the Netherlands. I was 41 when I left and eventually bored to the bone in Amsterdam where I lived 20 years, downtown. I expected more out off life than buying a new Ducati ever year, spending my money in bars in Amsterdam, fancy clothes, writing my ass of and eventually running around in circles. So I said the mazzel to work, friends, family, the (night) life in Amsterdam, the Dutch society packed the bike and drove off.
Best decision I’ve ever made.