Six years ago, Martha’s Trouble, an Americana folk/pop duo, released a nationally, critically acclaimed album, “Forget October.” Since, the duo has all but been quiet, touring the country, writing and recording, preparing for the next leg of their epic adventure.
The new album, Anchor Tattoo takes the duo back to their roots, bringing back their signature sound – an Americana/folk album with pop essence – that made them touch so many when they first came to the music scene 12 years ago. “I think we went through a discovery process trying different things over the years and landed on what I would say our strength is,” Jen said. “But it took some trying.
I think that’s good though. You try different things and you come to a place where you belong, where you fit. That’s what we did. And now we are stronger than ever.” “Our fans can expect a very fresh, honest, uplifting album. It’s very true to ourselves,” Jen said. “It’s who we are. We are not trying to be like any other band or trying to be like the next trend in music. I think our fans who like us ‘live’ as a duo or trio, will like this record. It is still a fully produced record, but it’s not overdone. We were able to spend a lot of time with it and it is our most thoughtful, mature record to date.”