For fifteen years Reckless Kelly has been doing things their way, bucking the mainstream system and playing by their own rules, straddling the fence between country and rock as if they built it themselves. Throughout the years their old school approach to recording has always adhered to one main objective: make each record better than the last. Their latest effort, “Good Luck & True Love” is no exception to this rule. Recorded in an old farmhouse-turned studio in Austin Texas, and released on the bands new independent label “No Big Deal Records,”
“Good Luck & True Love” is pure, driving, uncut Reckless Kelly. The songs are all written or co-written by front man Willy Braun and range in subject matter from road songs, (“Weatherbeaten Soul,” “Hit The Ground Running”) to songs about music, (“New Moon Over Nashville,” “I Stayed Up All Night Again”) and songs about good old-fashioned heartbreak (“Guarded Heart,” “She Likes Money, He Likes Love,” and “I Never Liked St. Valentine”). The album is the 9th in RK’s ever-growing catalogue and is the 3rd they have produced by themselves.
Online player hier, ook de andere albums. Aanrader.