Wie is die knul ??
YouTube sensation Keenan Cahill is far from your average high school student. For one thing, he has overcome incredible adversity, suffering from a rare genetic disorder called Mucopolysaccaridosis (MPS-6) since birth. For another, at the young age of 16, Cahill has already achieved international superstardom- all from behind a webcam in his childhood bedroom. The Elmhusrt Illinois teen rose to fame with a series of hugely entertaining self-produced videos of himself lip-syncing the hottest top 40 hits. He created a YouTube channel for his fun, quirky videos and saw his popularity skyrocket overnight. And Cahill’s knack for putting his own unforgettably hilarious spin on the radio’s biggest tracks has already won him millions of fans the world over.
Klik op zijn wijsvinger voor meer Keenan.