Luister naar Dar Williams
De Amerikaanse singer-songwriter Dar Williams maakt sinds het begin van de jaren 90 platen. Heel bekend is ze er helaas niet mee geworden, maar in kleine kring worden vrijwel al haar platen gekoesterd.
The initial idea came in a flash. Dar Williams was driving on an isolated highway, crossing from New York into Ontario, surrounded by frozen fields, silver trees, and empty sky, when inspiration struck. “I thought, ‘I want to write a biker song!,’” Williams says with a laugh. “And then my second thought was, ‘I want to write an epic biker song.’ The Greek messenger of the dead is named Hermes, and I want to write about him-the god of travelers and thieves.
With ease and grace, it reminds us that wherever we are, whenever it may be, we are always living In the Time of the Gods. En zo is het. Mirror hier, klik.